Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Towards a Shared Vision: Exploring the Future for a Better Tomorrow

 So hear this, my daughter was tasked to create a poster illustrating the theme 'Towards a Shared Vision: Exploring the Future for a Better Tomorrow'. I would have never guessed that 'poster making contests' would come back to haunt me after 30 years.


So, what would all people (yes, this time inclusive of LGBTQ+ and people of color because it's 2024, *yawn*. ) need in the future? A robot that follows you around everywhere and has the ability to transform into a toilet whenever the need arises. You may be at your sad work cubicle and have to go, or at the dining table with your loved ones, or maybe stressing out during an important examination at school. The robotoilet will be there for you. The restrooms will be a thing of the past.


No. Phone cameras are stupid. Do you remember the time when cameras were just cameras and mobile phones were just mobile phones? Who the fuck thought that it would be a good idea to integrate phones with cameras? Was there ever really a need to capture a photo of something while you are speaking on the phone? There wasn't. Not until idiot humans came up with vlogging (and that was decades later after the technology became available).

In conclusion, technology isn't stupid if it's available to the common idiots.

Friday, August 16, 2024

The Age of Men: The End


Welcome to 2024, a time in history when testosterone-charged males are called archaic and irrelevant pigs. A few years from now, their achievements will only be credited as mere byproducts of violence and insatiability. You will only learn about men --not from history books, but through demeaning TikTok videos and Facebook reels created by the champions of the woke world (see: sheep and bandwagon nobodies in comment sections) on social media. The 'new and better world' would definitely not miss the crass cattle wranglers because we have K-Pop boys now, right?

PS: I hope that in the future, after the dust settles and men have lost the last shred of their identity--that you can look back at what you have so enthusiastically cheered for in 2024. 'Cause I'm telling you right now, the future is going to be a total shit show.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Describing a Person in 2024: The Woke World


 I was tasked to provide a description of a particular man in a crowded restaurant, a man named Michael. There are a great many Michaels in sports like Jordan and Tyson, just to name two hailing from the color-assimilating side. On the reflective side, we have Schumacher and Phelps. As it is politically incorrect to describe our Michael based on how efficient colors are absorbed on his skin and comparing him to well-known figures as he is his own person, I can tell you that I do not know, nor care for this Michael.

Chocolate is sweet.
Sugar is sweet.

Baking soda is bitter.
Coffee is bitter.

PS: We all knew that it was just a matter of time before I return to my old non-saving-the-world-pissed-off self  again.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Why Bother?

Because right now, there is  someone


out there with


a wound      in the exact shape


       of your words.


-- Sean Thomas Dougherty

Friday, December 15, 2023

More is Less and Less is More

Get stressed more by working a thankless job and get stressed less about perpetual stupidity.

Add lactase to milk and it gets easier to break down (see lactose-free milk).

When participating in discussions, I am still getting confused as to whether to keep it simple and just call milk as milk or to add lactase to make it easier for the lactose-intolerant. Maybe I should let chance do its thing and let people shit themselves empty and just grin smugly in a corner and watch the world burn itself.