Thursday, November 1, 2007

Paying Respects

the beauty of being a mortal can be compared to a short story being told at bedtime. it is beautiful because it has a happy ending, it is beautiful because there is something learned and shared in such a short time. though it doesn't last forever, we can appreciate it because we can see hope... --that through the hardships and struggles there will always be a brighter day ahead. great as the story is, there is always an end to it. --a "happily ever after". 


we close our eyes and look forward into the next day. we go to sleep with a smile, inspired by the bed time story, inspired by the persons who shared their lives with us. the story may have ended this night, but tomorrow it will be our story... a story inspired and touched by those who passed on before us. we may not be able to think of them every single day, but their values and memories will always stay in our hearts, giving us the strength to face the days ahead... so that someday, our story may inspire and touch lives too.
you really should remember to visit your (late) loved ones at least once a year.
it's always better to visit them than the other way around (them visiting you).

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