Saturday, May 11, 2024

Describing a Person in 2024: The Woke World


 I was tasked to provide a description of a particular man in a crowded restaurant, a man named Michael. There are a great many Michaels in sports like Jordan and Tyson, just to name two hailing from the color-assimilating side. On the reflective side, we have Schumacher and Phelps. As it is politically incorrect to describe our Michael based on how efficient colors are absorbed on his skin and comparing him to well-known figures as he is his own person, I can tell you that I do not know, nor care for this Michael.

Chocolate is sweet.
Sugar is sweet.

Baking soda is bitter.
Coffee is bitter.

PS: We all knew that it was just a matter of time before I return to my old non-saving-the-world-pissed-off self  again.

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