Thursday, December 14, 2023

Out in the Cold II

After a good sleep I was able to reflect further on my previous post with more clarity.

It seems that I have been directing my energy on something that I, as one 'irrelevant' (see post script on previous post) person, cannot change. I may have been focusing too much on furthering my knowledge on things that nobody would ever find useful. I have had so much free time that I have delved into rabbit holes and the profound, while the rest of the world has been too busy keeping up with life.

Thus, I have concluded that I have to keep busy by redirecting my energy into something that would allow me to reap monetary rewards. In layman's terms: work an unfulfilling job to make ends meet and get so mythologically tired that I wouldn't have enough energy to spend my leisure time on learning more nor to actually give a fuck about any form of awareness and correctness. I guess this is what normal people do.

So, I guess I will either try this approach or the idea from the former post.

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