Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Juice Colored

I haven't seen a punch bowl in decades. These things were fairly important back in the 80's and 90's. Every party back then served punch (a mixture of alcohol and juice) and no table would be complete without one.

Kinda like china cabinets won't be complete without expensive-never-used-and-for-display-only-purpose chinaware. The other compartments of the said cabinet also host a variety of expensive-be-sure-not-lose-it-during-your-swimming-party-or-mom-will-kill-you Tupperware containers.

Reverting back to the topic, the orange Eight o' Clock powdered juice drink was the most popular beverage served to uninvited guests during the time. This heaven-forsaken drink will definitely remind you not to come back for a second visit. You will regret the very second that the liquid touches your gullet. It feels like drinking grains of orange sand mixed with water if the juice was not prepared correctly. If prepared correctly though, the concoction will feel like rich maple syrup. Yes, the drink will always be too grainy or too thick and sweet that it burns your throat.

Then, there's the Zest-O juice pack that we kids drink at school or at some relative's wake. Its razor-sharp edges can either poke your eye out or slice your cheeks. It has always been a challenge to follow the 'insert straw here' instruction. You would either end up punching a hole through the damned pack causing the contents to spill, or skewering one of your fingers with the straw.

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